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保龄球比赛穿搭文案英文 保龄球相关英语词汇

2024-06-02 08:17 篮球 来源:


保龄球比赛穿搭文案英文 保龄球相关英语词汇保龄球比赛穿搭文案英文 保龄球相关英语词汇

1、1. Ice - sport facilities ; ice - sport facilities with artificial ice ; rules for planning and construction冰上运动设施.人造冰场冰上运动设施.设计和建造规则2. Considered the world ' s first sliding sport , skeleton was started in the swiss town of st . moritz in the late 1800s对于都灵冬奥会,各项冰上运动可让体育爱好者大饱眼福, skeleton俯式冰撬项目是冬奥会热门看点之一。

2、3. One comprises the construction of an ice sports centre , a tenpin bowling centre and a town park in tseung kwan o . the other project is for a leisure and cultural centre in kwun tong民政事务局已选取两项,一项在将军澳兴建冰上运动中心保球中心及市镇公园,另一项是于观塘兴建康乐文化中心。

3、4. One comprises the construction of an ice sports centre , a tenpin bowling centre and a town park in tseung kwan o . the other project is for a leisure and cultural centre in kwun tong民政事务局已选取两项,一项在将军澳兴建冰上运动中心、保龄球中心及市镇公园,另一项是于观塘兴建康乐文化中心。

4、5. Whether they play for fun in all - town clubs or for glory at the winter olympics , one thing ' s for certain : canadians love curling , and they ' ve produced some of the world ' s best players冰壶在欧美是相当普遍的一项冬季冰上运动。


6、6. The home affairs bureau has identified two pilot projects for ppp . one comprises the construction of an ice sports centre , a bowling centre and a town park in tseung kwan o . the other project is for a leisure and cultural centre in kwun tong民政事务局已选取两项,一项在将军澳兴建冰上运动中心、保龄球中心及市镇公园,另一项是于观塘兴建康乐文化中心。

7、7. Situated in the beehive atrium of megabox next to a 30 - meter glass window with full views of the harbour , the megabox ice rink will be hong kong s first venue to host olympic qualifying games and international leagues滑冰场座落九湾megabox商场内之beehive atrium ,旁为30公尺高的落地玻璃,维港景色尽入场内。

8、 megabox滑冰场将会是符合规格举办奥林匹克选拔赛及冰上运动的场地。

9、8. The comprehensive strength of china s sport is ranking among the top place with advantage category such as ping - pong , badminton , diving , gymnastics , shooting , weightlifting , swimming , fencing , and ice sports . sports like football , basketball and volleyball are of great popularity while tennis , golf , and cycling are also progressing优势项目有乒乓球羽毛球跳水体击举重游泳击剑冰上运动等项目,足球篮球和排球是受观众喜爱的项目,网球高尔夫自行车运动的水平也在快速提高。

10、9. Mr did saunders , chief executive officer of asiasports limited , said : " as a key player in promoting recreational ice skating and ice hockey in hong kong , we are committed to supporting hong kong s development of ice sports through the provision of a world - class training venue for young , up - and - coming athletes体育有限公司行政总裁did saunders表示:作为在积极推动滑冰及冰球运动的一份子,我们对推广冰上运动一直不遗馀力,更致力为年青及新一辈运动员提供训练场地。


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